I must apologize. The WordPress App I was using seems to have erased some of my work. ARG!! As far as I can tell it’s only the last couple of Vertex episodes that have been effected. Please be patient with me as I try and fix this problem. Thank you!

Living Dedicated

This has definitely been one of those weeks. You know, the ones you’re happy to survive. That coming out of it with your head still attached counts as a victory.

Actually, I think it’s been one of those months.

You know, the ones where every single responsibility you have taken on, converge on themselves to make one big black hole of late night studies, and early morning drives.


Yeah, you do. Don’t lie. Continue reading

NOW READING: The Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer Nielson

And an Interview with Jennifer Nielson!

Ascendance Edit


A couple of months ago I went to my local library to see Jennifer Nielson speak at a book signing. As an aspiring writer I consider it my responsibility to attend as many author’s appearances and conferences as possible. The more I learn, especially from firsthand accounts of success, or even firsthand accounts of failure before success, the better writer I can be.

Prior to seeing the flyer on the bulletin board, I had never heard of Jennifer Nielson before. A friend had briefly mentioned The Ascendance Trilogy to me, but I confess I may not have been paying attention. 😦

Mrs. Nielson was so enthusiastic, and I was so much encouraged in my own efforts after hearing her story, I ended up with a complete set of the books before the night was over. Continue reading